Hopke’s Capital One Ballpark Project in Tysons Corner, VA Nears Completion
March 15, 2023 | W.B. Hopke Co. | Client Testimonial
The Capital One Center Park in Tysons Corner, VA is almost complete. The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved two separate plans for recreational amenities on Oct. 26, 2022 for work on a baseball field with a target date of completion for the upcoming spring season.
W.B. Hopke, subcontractor to general contractor Whiting Turner Construction began the wet utility work in December 2022 and the project is scheduled to finish by the end of March 2023.

W.B. Hopke Project Manager, Mike Fiebert, provided the following project summation. “It was great to be a part of the Capital One Ballpark project as the final product was quite unique to what we typically build. The job had its challenges, most notable was the fast-paced schedule and turnover date. Also, multiple trades were working in very close proximity to one another throughout the project so we had to be flexible enough to dance around each other. Our wet utilities team also had to be flexible and responsive to numerous design changes throughout construction. Whiting Turner did a great job coordinating that effort and the W.B. Hopke crews did an amazing job to complete our share of the work in time for the first pitch at the end of March.”
The project’s scope of work featured a sanitary sewer relocation, trench drains for dug outs and home plate and water and sanitary distribution for the concession stand and locker room. Specifically, Hopke handled all the storm water work on the perimeter of the ballfield and water and sanitary work outside the center field fence where future locker rooms will be installed. Hopke backfilled two hydrants inside of the dugout, compacted and backfilled a 6″ foundation drain, backfilled 100ft trench 1″ water line and dug under a wall and installed ground hydrant hose bib, and installed a 12′ waterline. Hopke did the installation of 700′ of 2″ water lines. Water was needed for the dugouts and pressbox, bathroom and as a connection to ground irrigation.
“Apart from a fast deadline, the scope of work doubled in size during the project yet the timeline for completion did not change. Fortunately, we have an experienced team that can meet these types of tight deadlines. There is still more work to be done at the ballpark which will include a sanitary sewer 20′ deep or deeper and will require support structures,” said Fiebert.
Another major complicating factor for this project is that it was built adjacent to the new WMATA metro tracks through Tysons. Hopke’s scope required coordination with WMATA including access their property to complete key early phases of work.
W.B. Hopke would like to thank the entire Hopke team for their work on this project, including lead project manager, Mike Fiebert; estimator, Charlie McClellan; superintendent, Jimbo Cloniger; and our two foremen, Willie Hernandez and Jason Johnson and their crews, Erick Diaz B, operator; Fredis David Perla Maltez, L operator; Cesar Del Cid, pipe layer; Marlon Heriberto Henriquez Sanchez, tailman; Jonathan Canpos, laborer; Arnold Merlos, operator; Juan Alvarado, operator; Fredls Carillo, pipelayer; Marvin Amaya, tailman and Daniel Merlos, laborer. Thanks for working so hard on this project and making it a success.
Capital One Center, https://www.capitalonecenter.com/capital-one-park, accessed March 22, 2023. Cover photo courtesy of Capital One Center.
Fairfax County, VA – FFX Now, https://www.ffxnow.com/2022/11/03/capital-one-gets-green-light-for-urban-park-baseball-field-at-tysons-campus/, accessed March 22, 2023.