Employee Spotlight

Tommy Kennedy

When W.B. Hopke looks back at it’s top performers, there are numerous employees that come to mind and one such employee is Tommy Kennedy. We would like to dedicate this article to Tommy, thank him for his years of service and present Tommy’s insights as to what it takes to have a successful career at Hopke.

Willie Hernandez

W.B. Hopke would like to recognize foreman Willie Hernandez for his 21 years of service to our company. As such, we are dedicating this article to Willie, outlining his efforts, insights, character and loyalty to W.B. Hopke. It is well deserved.

Clifford “Skeeta” Brooks

When it comes to driving a truck, W.B. Hopke hired the perfect truck driver in Clifford “Skeeta” Brooks. Hopke would like to dedicate this article to Clifford as an appreciation for the many years of service and dedication to the Hopke team.

Will Talbert

These days not many companies have employees that stay 10 years or longer. At W.B. Hopke, we are blessed with numerous employees that have been with us for more than 30 years. Will Talbert is one of those employees and has been with Hopke for 40 years. In honor of Will’s accomplishment, we thought it only fitting to find out Will’s secret for success and longevity with W.B. Hopke and to share his story with employees seeking to find a career here with our company.

Debbie Ramos

W.B. Hopke would like to take a moment to thank Debbie Ramos for giving 31 years of her life to the Hopke Company. Debbie is retiring from her position later this summer and Hopke wants to dedicate this article to her and thank her for everything she has done for our business. It is an honor to share with the employees a little about Debbie and what she means to W.B. Hopke.

Francisco Pineda

W.B. Hopke would like to recognize the outstanding level of effort and dedication to our company by Francisco Pineda, foreman. We value and thank Francisco for 22 years with our company and we hope his story will resonate with our newer employees as to what it takes to be successful at W.B. Hopke.

Francisco Pineda was encouraged by a family member to apply for a job with W.B. Hopke Co. in April of 2001.

Eddy Mead

W.B. Hopke would like to thank foreman, Eddy Mead for devoting 24 years of his life working at Hopke. It is important that we recognize Eddy’s efforts and acknowledge him as a crucial part of our growing team. This article will also provide direction to our newer employees as they embark on a lifetime career path at Hopke. Here’s Eddy’s story.

Aurel Lucanu

Aurel Lucanu, Foreman – From Romania to the United States to W.B. Hopke and a 25-Year Successful Career. Aurel Lucanu has been with W.B. Hopke for more than 25 years. His is a story of courage, dedication and loyalty. W.B. Hopke is proud to have Aurel as a key member of our team. Here’s Aurel’s story told in his own words.

Billy Green

W.B. Hopke Recognizes Billy Green, Superintendent for His 20 Years of Exemplary Employment

Billy Green, superintendent, has worked for W.B. Hopke for more than 20 years. As a loyal and dedicated part of our management team, we felt that it was overdue to pay him tribute and tell his story.

Rosy Lopez

Rosy Lopez is celebrating his 25th year with W.B. Hopke Co. We are honored that Mr. Lopez has spent so many years working for Hopke, and in celebration of his remarkable career, we want to pay him tribute and share his story with our employees, clients and vendors.

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